Current Status of Municipal Solid Waste Management in Jammu and Kashmir: A Review


  • Manisha Kanchru
  • Pooja Devi


Waste of different kinds poses threat to environment (both to biotic and abiotic components) in the form of pollution and we human beings standing at the ends of the food chains think ourselves as supreme creatures of Earth but the harsh reality is that we are just supreme trash generators. There is no doubt that all the waste that really comes out from the domestic, commercial, institutional and industrial sectors is not total waste in real sense. This waste can be reduced to a greater level by appropriate measure in fact some really valuable products can also be formed by turning waste into wealth. This all can be done by use of well-furnished Solid waste management techniques. More opulent the lifestyle of humans, more is the generation of waste but waste management is nothing like sledgehammering to crack a nut if the locals and the management authorities cooperate in waste management and help in implementing the plans designed at both national as well at state level. Some of the solid waste management reports depicting the status of management of waste in Jammu and Kashmir. Classification of different kinds of waste as per their sources is also given along with data from reports prepared by the State Pollution Control Board regarding the waste management.


